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BBC Radio Sheffield and Fundraising Update

After a tweet to Radio Sheffield yesterday asking them to share this website, I received a call from Rony Robinson's producer asking me if I'd be interested in going on his show this morning!

So off I went this morning and met Rony, who was lovely and very accomodating and sensitive. We had a chat on air and I'm really hoping it'll help the fundraising effort.

It also gave me a very brief chance to explain a little about my condition but I missed my chance to give K-T Support a little plug! If you'd like to find out more about Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome, please visit - these guys are great and give support KT sufferers and parents of those with young children with KT.

I managed to explain a little about Wheelchair Dance - if this is something you might be interested in you can visit or you can email me at

It is possible to do this in any type of wheelchair, especially at a beginning level so don't be put off by the expense of the dance wheelchairs.

The wheelchair I am raising money for will be fit for use for dance and for every day use - the reason for it is to give my leg, particularly my hip and knee joints, and my back better support and because it is so much lighter than the one the NHS has provided which I struggle to get in and out of my car on my own, let alone push anywhere! Some of the people at the dance group use their everyday chairs but they are much lighter than the chair I currently have.

My interview with Rony is available to listen to here: and begins at around 9 mins in. We've had some excellent response so far to the fundraising with a few people generously donating and for that I'm very grateful. There is also a lady in Texas who wishes to remain anonymous (a friend of a friend, I believe) who has very kindly donated $500 which is absolutely amazing and I'd like to say a big thank you to her. However, it certainly doesn't mean I'm any less grateful to those who have donated smaller amounts - without which I simply couldn't do this. Thank you to those who are sharing this and to those who have helped out by making a contribution by buying a book or a portrait. Hopefully soon there will be another page added to the website with some things that I can make and sell!

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